Cancer screening refers to simple tests conducted en-masse across a healthy population to identify individuals some of whom may have the disease but do not display symptoms as yet. Cancers of breast, cervix, oral cavity and colon/rectum are routinely screened. In respect to other cancers, the appropriate strategy is ‘early diagnosis’ which refers to detecting such cancers at an early stage, by getting tested as soon as symptoms are experienced. This is possible when general public has high awareness about the first signs and symptoms of cancers.
Cancer screening and early diagnosis have many benefits. The individual’s chances of survival are better. The disease is easier to treat and cure. Lesser is treatment in terms of costs, use of chemicals and need for radical therapies. The individual is spared of the suffering and trauma caused by greater manifestation of the disease inside the body.
The significance of cancer screening and early diagnosis is still not understood by the common man in India, especially the underprivileged in cities and villages. On account of this, more than 50% of new cancer patients approach hospitals at the 2nd or 3rd stage. Lack of awareness on screening and detection is one of the causes. The other aspect is that undergoing screening at private hospitals is unaffordable to many and the fact that NGOs do conduct screening for free or at low cost is also unknown to many.
CancerScreening portal motivates public to undergo screening tests for common cancers at detection centres and detection camps. The latter are offered by NGOs all over India and their contact particulars are listed. We also seek to generate awareness about general signs and symptoms of cancer as well as specific symptoms of various types of cancers, so that the person afflicted can approach hospitals at the earliest and take advantage of an early diagnosis. For queries, do contact us or access the FAQ.